Sunday, October 13, 2013

Most Recent Work on Web

Updated 7/27/14

Brief Term, Review in Off the Coast by Elizabeth Thomas. 
Cage Josephine Quarterly. 1 (Fall 2013),
Consider the Cicadas. Sugar Mule Woman Writing Nature, 41 (2013), 208
Crow with Salt. Crow with Salt Gulf Coast.  January 2014.  
DoorknobsVerse Daily. Republished from Ninth Letter. 
Everything has been a poem for years.  Kelsey Review, XXXII (Fall 2013), 10.
Shed. The Light Ekphrastic
The Arbor of Silence. About Place Journal, Trees. II:1 (May 2013) Black Earth Institute, Black Earth, Wisconsin. 2013. 
The Cardinal and the Mockingbird.  Sugar Mule, 41 (2012), 207-208  PDF download.
The Shop Teacher. The Wild Goose Review. Spring 2013
The White Cat.  The Light Ekphrastic
This Pilgrim’s Progress. from Fragments from the Biography of Nemesis. Republished Sugar Mule Woman Writing Nature, 41 (2013), 206